Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stem Blog Reflection

  • How would you use this tool with your class?
Blogger can be used many different ways. It can be something that students can check for homework assignments or even class updates. It can also be used for research projects and discussion questions within the class. It can be a similar activity to what we did with our class, where we choose a topic and all semester long with posted blogs about that topic. It can also be a way to get students to collaborate with one another on discussion questions. The teacher could post a discussion question and require that all students respond to the question in their own way. 
  • How has blogging influenced your ideas on science learning as practice
This blogging assignment has influenced ideas on me for teaching students about the different land forms. It has brought to my attention many different activities that can be done within the classroom as well as done for different assessments. It has shown me ways to implement land forms into different investigations. It has also taught me that students are not going to learn just by reading and listening. Although reading and listening may be helpful to the students learning they are also going to need a few hands on experiences in order to really gain an understanding of the content.
  • What did you like and or dislike about the tool and or process
I really enjoyed this process of posting different blogs. It has allowed me to learn a few things about teaching science and has also given me ideas for assessments and activities  I have also learned so much from the blogs of others in the class on topics that I did not choose to cover myself. This was a very helpful assignment because it was an easy way to cover a lot of content and topics.
  • How would you use blogs as an assessment tool
As I mentioned in the first question, one way that I would use this tool is for discussion questions. I would post a discussion question and then students would respond to the question in a comment. Each student would be required to respond to the question. I may even post multiple questions and assign each student to a question. I would be able to use this as a type of formative assignment and would be able to check for students understanding of the content. Also by using this tool for research projects and having students post about different topics that they are researching could be used as a summative assessment.
  • What are some of your next steps as a blogger?
Some of my next steps may include blogging about the different activities and investigations that my future classroom is a part of. I don't really think I would do much of anything else with a blog though.